TUESDAY, APRIL 20,1999, LAIFF Scheduled Films for Closing Night:
Director George Hickenlooper's highly
anticipated follow-up to Low Life (LAIFF
�95) and Dogtown (LAIFF �97) is haunted
by the presence of a great master. Written
by Orson Welles but never produced until
now, this achingly topical story revolves
around an independent political candidate
(William Hurt) whose promising campaign
for governor is threatened by "the politics
of personal destruction". The skeleton in his
closet is his gay twin brother whose
dabbling in pornographic photography
provides the press with a colossal,
malignant story and affords his political
enemies the ultimate blackmail material.
Deliciously peppered with deep focus and
red herrings, Hickenlooper's realization of
the screenplay reflects his characteristic
keen directorial style while incorporating
timeless, distinctly Wellesian structures and
aesthetics. William Hurt and Miranda
Richardson are perfectly matched in this
tale of loyalty, brotherhood, and the fate of
integrity in modern day politics.
Review � 1999 LAIFF. All Rights Reserved.
