"Forbidden Territory"
- starring Nigel Hawthorne, Aidan Quinn.
�Associated Newspapers Ltd., 29 December 1997
It is one of the most famous meetings in history. Four years after
he set off on his epic quest for the source of the Nile, rumours
were circulating that the celebrated explorer David Livingstone
was dead.
Commissioned to find Livingstone by the New York Herald,
journalist and adventurer Henry Stanley tracked him down in
November 1871 to Lake Tanganyika, where he uttered the
immortal words: "Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
Now a new television film, to be broadcast by ITV in the spring,
has once again recreated the famous encounter, which for
generations established the image of the intrepid white explorer
opening up the dark heart of Africa.
Starring Nigel Hawthorne, of Yes Minister and The Madness of
King George, as Dr Livingstone, with Aidan Quinn as Stanley,
Forbidden Territory promises to tell the true story of the two
Following their meeting on the banks of the lake, where Stanley
rescued Livingstone's party with supplies of food and medicine,
the pair teamed up to explore the area.
After establishing that Lake Tanganyika could not be the source
of the Nile, Stanley left for England where he cashed in on his
adventures with the book How I Found Livingstone.
Despite his failing health, Livingstone refused to return with him
and moved further into the continent's interior.
He died in May 1873 at Chitambo, in what is now Zambia, where
his servants found his body kneeling by his bedside. After 32
years spent relentlessly exploring Africa, Livingstone left the
continent for the last time and after a nine-month journey home
was buried at Westminster Abbey.
A committed anti-slavery campaigner and Christian missionary,
Livingstone, who was born into a poverty-stricken home on the
Clyde, bequeathed a vast body of geographic, medical and social
discoveries to the world and did more than anyone until Nelson
Mandela to shape the West's view of Africa.
Stanley, who had left his native Wales for America at the age of
18, fought in the American Civil War on both sides, became a
merchant seamen, then journalist, before going on to mount
numerous African expeditions, including the discovery of the
Congo and the ill-fated relief of Emin Pasa.
Despite being regarded as an arrogant American outsider by
many in the British establishment, he was thanked by Queen
Victoria for his services and was elected Liberal Unionist MP for
North Lambeth in 1895.
Review � 1997 Associated Newspapers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
